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Coping with Anxiety and Stress

    Many of us are struggling to deal with anxiety and stress daily, but everyone is different. We have to learn how to accept these problems and find away to cope with them and overcome them. Once we get some help and one by one, we can start dealing with the problems.   Here… Continue reading Coping with Anxiety and Stress

freedom · health · life · Life

Create a Balanced Life

We tend to usually only focus on the external things in life like work, relationships, activities and materialistic items, leaving us to forget about what is going on within our body, hearts and minds. We start missing out on the experience of really living and enjoying all parts of our life. Here are some things… Continue reading Create a Balanced Life

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Ways to Lift the Spirit

Lift Your Spirit When You’re Having a Rough Time Our lives tend to have it's ups and downs and when times get rough, we need just a little motivation to lift our spirit. So here are some ways that will help you lift your spirit and have you feeling back to yourself. Let there be… Continue reading Ways to Lift the Spirit

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Helping Yourself or Someone Else Struggling with a Mental Illness

   Having to fight against your own mind daily is not easy... It's a war that seems to never end...A spiral of unnecessary thoughts that never stop spinning. Some people think mental health is all in our heads and that's the problem... It is in our minds and we have to learn how to cope… Continue reading Helping Yourself or Someone Else Struggling with a Mental Illness


Today I Will Open my Heart to Express and Experience Love

'I will know love when I realize.... I must open my heart if I want to feel love! No words can bring back what you believe was taken from you or fix what you believe to be broken in your heart. No matter what is said, or how it is said, words cannot heal or… Continue reading Today I Will Open my Heart to Express and Experience Love

Health and Wellbeing

Get Yourself Back on the Right Pathway.

Life isn't always perfect and sometimes we fall into a hole or stumble off our pathway and we get lost a bit. Don't be hard on yourself, because we're only human and we make mistakes to learn from them. If you really want to get back on that golden pathway again, you are going to… Continue reading Get Yourself Back on the Right Pathway.

Health and Wellbeing

We are Only Trapped by our Thoughts

Our lives are continuously producing thoughts on literally everything that exists, we have always been taught to have something to say (a thought) about everything infront of us. Some people’s life’s are smooth and easy going and that usually leads a life of good thoughts and feelings to follow. On the other hand they’re people… Continue reading We are Only Trapped by our Thoughts


Everyday – Self Love & Care Stress Reliefs

Free your mind The most important thing in life is keeping balance in your daily life, when it comes to your self care, this is extremely important and effects a persons' self-esteem majorly. You must love yourself first, before you can love anything else, and if you keep convincing yourself that this isn't true, then… Continue reading Everyday – Self Love & Care Stress Reliefs


Allow Wealth to Flow Into Your Life

We must always be happy with what we have and positive with what we do not. You could have $83.00 in your bank or pocket, and instead of having any negative feelings or thoughts cling on to that $83.00, you must change your thought process and be truly grateful and happy with the amount you… Continue reading Allow Wealth to Flow Into Your Life